DFKBIOLAB INC. is a functional cosmetics, medical devices and quasi-drug R&D company that works with global customers, prioritizing honesty and trust. We offer high-quality products that maximize customer satisfaction based on our extensive R&D technology expertise developed over many years through constant research to develop reliable and healthy products that can be trusted and used at all times. We are committed to being your reliable partner as we strive to become a global brand, offering high-quality raw materials and safe products. We also promise meticulous follow-up management by offering customized solutions and services. With our top expertise and trust, we aim to grow as a dependable partner for our customers. The global company DFKBIOLAB INC. plans to engage with a larger customer base in the future.
Sunhwagung-ro 272 Dongkwang Biz Tower
Gyeonggi-do, Kyonggi-do 12106
Republic of Korea